Are you struggling with a horse that’s anxious, tense, lazy, or aggressive? Do you just want to be confident in training and riding your horse (whether you’re at home or away)?

Despite Your Fears or Bad Past Experiences, Know This:

You Are the Best Person to Train Your Horse.

As Seen In...

Are You Experiencing...

  • Lack of confidence riding and handling your horse?

  • Miscommunications that lead to a tense horse?

  • An anxious, spooky, or herd-bound horse?

  • Safety issues like bolting, rearing, and bucking?

  • Struggle to load your horse into a trailer?

  • A completely different horse at a show than you do at home?

  • Fear taking your horse on the trail due to their unpredictability?

If you answered "Yes!" to any of these, you need to join us inside the Online Video Library.

🌟Join today to access our 30 Day Jumpstart Program + Live

Q & A's with Warwick. 🌟

“At 54, being a professional in the horse world all my life, I can't thank you enough for the change I've been experiencing for the past two years since I first read you. My post could be a million paragraphs long of positive changes. I will resume to this: THANK YOU, Warwick. Every day since, I thank you.” — Annie Mercille

When Something is Off With Your Horse, It Affects . . .


From catching them……

to farrier appointments.…

to simple groundwork…

to the show ring…

to trail riding…

or even just at feeding time.

Then you play the scenario out in your head over and over again, wondering if you could’ve handled your horse better…

Could you have prepared for the situation better?

And, ultimately…

How can you help them let their guard down and trust you — for good.

Deep down:

Then you play the scenario out in your head over and over again, wondering if you could’ve handled your horse better…

Could you have prepared for the situation better?

And, ultimately…

How can you help them let their guard down and trust you — for good.

Deep down:

You know that there’s more enjoyment and fulfillment to be found in your bond with your horse.

If only you had the missing piece of the puzzle.

You wonder what the root issue is (and if that root issue is, simply, you).

The thing is, none of these problems are the real problem.

And none of these problems are YOU. (Far from it, in fact.)

But FIRST, Who Am I To Explain This To You?

You May Not Know This...

. . but we used to be known as Warwick Schiller Performance Horsemanship.

I had competed in reining for years and even won the NRHA Reserve World Champion and competed in the 2010 and 2018 World Equestrian Games for Australia.

So it followed that I used to train high-level reining horses with horsemanship principles that I had discovered and developed over the years.

I Discovered That In-Person Training Wasn’t Enough. . .

(which is why I started my online video library)

I was brought in to train thousands of other people’s horses individually and at clinics.

After mere months, the horses went back to square one.

I came to realize that there was only one person who ensured the horse’s ultimate success. . .

. . . the Owner.

The person who would be handling, riding, and caring for the horse the most was the one who made the biggest difference as to whether the horse retained the training.

If the owner didn’t understand the root cause of behavioral issues. . .

If they weren’t in touch with their own ability to be present with the horse . . .

When I left, the behaviors came back...

People may think they know their horse. And in a lot of ways, that’s true.

You probably know all of your horse’s quirks.

You can spot them from a field of 12 other horses of the same coat color. You know their medical history, their energy level, their spirit.

But that ONE issue that keeps popping up—is it. . .



Bolting under saddle?


Can’t pick up the right canter lead?

Pushy on the ground?

Hard to catch?

Refusing jumps?

Won’t load into the trailer?

Unsafe on a trail ride?

In THAT area (whatever it is), you truly don’t understand your horse yet.

But you can.

You’ll start by learning to understand the depths of the horse’s psyche—what’s important to them, how they feel, and what makes them feel connected enough to trust you completely.

Do you want to have that exceptional relationship with your horse?

You know. . .

. . .the kind where they come to you (without bribing or chasing them)

Where they will trust you to go to the ends of the earth. . .

Where they pick up on every cue with feather-light responsiveness. . .

Where they choose to be with you over anything or anyone else?

An exceptional relationship with your horse starts with building connection

But you CAN’T control connection

This is a hard pill to swallow, because…

As humans, we don’t understand just how much we crave control.

We need it to feel safe. (Or so we think)

In recent years, my training philosophy has evolved to something more than training, something we call “Relationship Before Horsemanship”, or in one word:


You see, you can’t control your horse’s actions. But what you CAN control is your ability to be present with them—or Attunement —which will shape their actions.

Attunement is made up of a few simple steps:

Attunement to your horse sets the stage for connection to flow.

Connection is the foundation for experiences to build into a relationship.

And from a solid relationship, anything. . . and I mean ANYTHING. . . is possible.

Attunement is the MOST important element of training your horse through the most common issues that we face with horses — anxiety, stress, confusion, pushback — all of it comes back to communication and understanding.

And everyone is capable of achieving Attunement with ANY horse.

After distilling my most important training principles into the most concise format on-demand, I started getting feedback from all corners of the world.

What I taught in person was indeed transferable virtually and instantly, on-demand so that anyone anywhere can get the help they needed, when they needed it.

Your ability to train your horse isn’t something inherent—a talent that you either have or you don’t have.

Thus, the Online Video Library was born.

Your ability to train your horse isn’t something inherent—a talent that you either have or you don’t have.

My online video library helps you train your horse at home with ease.

Now that tens of thousands of members have gone through our Online Video Library. . .

I’m thoroughly convinced that for 99% of horse owners

(with very few and extreme exceptions),

I can honestly say:

You are the BEST person to train your horse.

I’ve taught tens of thousands of horse owners how to do this, and I know I can teach you, too

It’s really very simple.

  1. Watch the videos with confidence that you are capable of building a better future with your horse.

  2. Submit yourself to the process.

  3. Be open to gaining new insight about your horse—and yourself.

Then watch your confidence grow.

Watch your horse’s demeanor completely shift.

Watch your relationship expand beyond expectations .

Join Tens of Thousands of Horse Owners Who Have Transformed Their Relationships with Their Horses.

When you sign up for your 7-Day Free Trial, you will get instant access to 850+ videos, multiple courses, progress checklists, and the private community where you can ask questions directly to Warwick.

Here Are Just Some of the Things You’ll Learn from the Online Video Library:

  • How to Build a Stronger, More Connected Relationship with Your Horse

  • Teach Your Horse how To Reset Their Nervous System (Anxious to Calm)

  • How to Fix Common Problems

  • Feel Safe Around Your Horse in Any Situation

  • Foal Handling - Influence Your Foal to Become a Confident Adult

  • Connecting Groundwork Concepts to Ridden Work

  • How to Interpret Your Horse's Body Language

  • Trail Riding Preparation

  • Trailer/Float Loading Preparation and Instruction

  • Starting a Horse from The Beginning

  • How to "Be" so Your Horse Wants to Be with You & Chooses to Be with You

What Are Others Saying About the Membership?

Not only the horse training but the mindfulness practices changed my life. This opened up my ability to manifest things that needed fixing in my life and boy did it change. I’m still in awe of how all this led me to my new job that I love. Not only that, but I don’t feel alone and frustrated anymore. Warwick’s there, the tribe is there, and every day I just love reading everyone’s little stories and comments. So many friends I can’t tell you.” – Sam from Australia

Warwick’s approach picked me up where I was, and then took me step-by-step higher and higher. The steps are so concrete and well explained. I wanted to learn about loading and it worked. Then I learnt how to lead and it worked. It worked because in the videos I could see how Warwick interacts with the horse, he is so clear and easy to read. Then I learnt even when Warwick introduced focus. The honesty and integrity of Warwick letting us in with his own searching and learning and growing was profound for me. And I felt this openness is a very special quality. Now I am back working with my dressage methods and although I do less with my horses the connection is greater.” – Sabine from Germany

What Existing Students Say

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Before your horse can change, you need to re-orient yourself to prepare for working with horses. In the Fundamentals course, we’ll work on:

You Controlling You, Giving Up Control, Intuition Vs. Process, What’s Important to Your Horse, and more. This is the foundation for the rest of the work, and what’s often overlooked in traditional training frameworks.


Connection is a foundation that needs to be built in order to master anything else. In this course, we’ll cover Hanging Out, Matching Steps, Change in Focus, Creating Connection Under Time Constraints, and Solving Separation Anxiety.


Standing Still and Present Flowchart, Stress Indicators, Creating Energy to Create Space, Biting, Nipping, and Other Mouthy Behavior, Dealing with Shutdown in a Horse, Focus On- and Off-Line, Leading with Energy, Focus and Bend, First Saddling, and Groundwork with Problem Horses (with real-life examples).

Ridden Work

First Rides, Basic Body Control, First 100 Days Under Saddle, Bending for Relaxation, Steering, Introducing the Snaffle Bit for the First Time, Teaching the Horse to Slow Down Off Your Seat, Backing Up, Teaching the Stop + Half Halt, Teaching Canter Work (including Counter Canter and Flying Lead Changes), Neck Reining, Backing in Circles, and more.

The Principles of Training

This foundational course isn’t the process of training a horse but rather a series that will empower you with the knowledge of how all horses learn. Beyond methods and techniques,
by understanding the underlying principles, you will be able to grasp horse training at a level that most horse owners don’t.

The Human Factor

Nervous System Reset, Transform Your Anxiety, Affirmations, Breathwork, Anticipate Success, Change Yourself to Change Your Horse, Coming Back Mentally After an Accident or Traumatic Event, Mindfulness Reset.

Advanced Groundwork & Troubleshooting

Catching Your Horse, Foal Handling, Common Problems (Cross Ties, Pulling Back/Pulling Away, Irritability, Straightness, Pushy, Lazy, Won’t Stop Eating Grass), Teaching Your Horse to be Clipped, Trailer/Float Loading.

Advanced Ridden Work & Troubleshooting

How to Help a Rushy Horse, Spooking, Canter Departures & Leads, Encouraging Relaxation,
Solving Barn Sourness, Motivating a Dull Horse, Promoting Self-Carriage, Trail Riding Success, Solving Buddy Sourness, Teaching a Horse to go Through Water, Getting More Forward Out of a Lazy Horse, Separation Anxiety, Real-Life Examples of Bolting, Bucking, and Rearing)


Before your horse can change, you need to re-orient yourself to prepare for working with horses. In the Fundamentals course, we’ll work on:

You Controlling You, Giving Up Control, Intuition Vs. Process, What’s Important to Your Horse, and more. This is the foundation for the rest of the work, and what’s often overlooked in traditional training frameworks.


Connection is a foundation that needs to be built in order to master anything else. In this course, we’ll cover Hanging Out, Matching Steps, Change in Focus, Creating Connection Under Time Constraints, and Solving Separation Anxiety.


Standing Still and Present Flowchart, Stress Indicators, Creating Energy to Create Space, Biting, Nipping, and Other Mouthy Behavior, Dealing with Shutdown in a Horse, Focus On- and Off-Line, Leading with Energy, Focus and Bend, First Saddling, and Groundwork with Problem Horses (with real-life examples).

Ridden Work

First Rides, Basic Body Control, First 100 Days Under Saddle, Bending for Relaxation, Steering, Introducing the Snaffle Bit for the First Time, Teaching the Horse to Slow Down Off Your Seat, Backing Up, Teaching the Stop + Half Halt, Teaching Canter Work (including Counter Canter and Flying Lead Changes), Neck Reining, Backing in Circles, and more.

The Principles of Training

This foundational course isn’t the process of training a horse but rather a series that will empower you with the knowledge of how all horses learn. Beyond methods and techniques,
by understanding the underlying principles, you will be able to grasp horse training at a level that most horse owners don’t.

The Human Factor

Nervous System Reset, Transform Your Anxiety, Affirmations, Breathwork, Anticipate Success, Change Yourself to Change Your Horse, Coming Back Mentally After an Accident or Traumatic Event, Mindfulness Reset.

Advanced Groundwork & Troubleshooting

Catching Your Horse, Foal Handling, Common Problems (Cross Ties, Pulling Back/Pulling Away, Irritability, Straightness, Pushy, Lazy, Won’t Stop Eating Grass), Teaching Your Horse to be Clipped, Trailer/Float Loading.

Advanced Ridden Work & Troubleshooting

How to Help a Rushy Horse, Spooking, Canter Departures & Leads, Encouraging Relaxation,
Solving Barn Sourness, Motivating a Dull Horse, Promoting Self-Carriage, Trail Riding Success, Solving Buddy Sourness, Teaching a Horse to go Through Water, Getting More Forward Out of a Lazy Horse, Separation Anxiety, Real-Life Examples of Bolting, Bucking, and Rearing)

A Community Full of Success Stories 🎉🎉

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So instead of a complicated framework. . .

Or taking your horse to another trainer (only to have the behavior revert back again). . .

Or attending another clinic (leaving you in need of support the moment you get back to your barn). . .

Let’s start by:

  • Building Connection

  • Teaching Your Horse to Stand Still and Be Present

  • Developing mutual attunement

  • Creating a calm, light responsiveness on the ground

Then apply your new bond and communication to every area of your training and riding.

To put it all in perspective,

The average lesson price in the US is $30 - $120, which totals $390+ average per month!

(That’s $4,680 per YEAR!)

The average cost to have a horse in training ranges from $750 - $1,200 per month! That does not account for the work you need to do to retain that progress.

(This would add up to $11,700 for a year of training!)

The cost of an in-person horse clinic is $750 - $5,000 (again, not including the work you need to invest in the retention of the progress).

By joining the Online Video Library, you’ll save $5K – $20K/year to invest in your horse’s training.

I will help you train your horse for LESS THAN A DOLLAR PER DAY!​

Imagine with me, for a moment, a year from now. . .​

What would it feel like to have completely won over your horse’s trust?

How would it feel to have the confidence in yourself that you can handle ANY situation with your horse?

Now imagine another year of the issues you’re facing now.​

Another year of struggling with simple groundwork with your horse.

Another year of not going on those trail rides with friends down the road.

Another year of scary farrier and vet visits.

Another year of playing it “safe” with new experiences.

Instead, you can join thousands of other horse owners and riders who have finally gotten the breakthrough you’ve been searching for all along.

Common Questions We Get About the Online Video Library:​

How is this different from other training programs?

There are plenty of talented horse trainers out there. Some methods might come across as too rigid and uncomfortable for some. Many of them address equine psychology and behavioral fixes but they do not take a holistic approach to the state of your mind and nervous system as the rider.

Our Online Video Library thoughtfully and compassionately integrates the horse’s mind and emotions alongside yours. This is NOT a pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps program. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your whole outlook and body language will impact your horse within days.

Why not just attend a clinic?

Clinics are an excellent tool in horse training to grow leaps and bounds in a short amount of time. However, clinics also require two bookends to be successful:

1. A foundation in the underlying principles of horse training and equine psychology, and 2. A means of ongoing learning and support as you continue your horsemanship journey.

Isn’t this the work of horse trainers?

Horse trainers are fantastic guides in the horse world, but you don’t need a trainer to handle your horse and to work through the common issues that we face in equine development.

Let me ask you this:

  • Are you able to get quiet and observe your horse’s behavior?

  • Are you coachable and hungry to learn?

  • Is your core desire to be your horse’s primary caregiver and leader?

    In fact, how many times have you seen a horse go to training for the horse to return to its original problematic behavior months, weeks, or even days later?

    It makes most logical sense for you as a horse owner to understand how to remain calm, problem-solve, and pivot—no matter your environment.

So what do you say. . . are you ready to leave fear and frustration behind and finally get the bond with your horse that you've always dreamt of?​